Dashing to my friend and fellow blogger Shauna Miller’s book signing Tuesday night at the Grove. Afterward we had a fun girl’s dinner and came up with the admittedly genius phrase “Be down…or get out!” which basically sums up all the amazing girls I’m friends with.

I fell in love with this denim dress at Painted Bird a few weeks back when I was shopping for FYF but worried it skewed a little too mormon pre-school teacher, I couldn’t resist wearing it anyway. As my nearest and dearest know I have always had a weakness for a denim dress and actually wore one to my first day of high school!

FYI I am cracking up in the photos below because I tripped, almost fell on my butt and apparently wear heels so infrequently I can barely walk in them. Yay adulthood!

**Buy the Penny Chic Book and find out why I am following rule #7. It’s a great gift for any young woman on a budget!

Steve Madden Realove Heels (Stecy similar)

Vintage Denim Dress via Painted Bird
Rovi Moss Satchel Handbag (c/o similar here)
Delicate Raymond Pendant (c/o email me to purchase)

More Denim Dresses I lurve

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All photos // Mark Champion 
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