As I’ve gotten older I’ve moved away from my too-cool-for-school
‘tude on festive dressing. And while I’ll probably never be the girl with
Christmas trees on her fingernails, I can now embrace a little creativity in my
holiday ensembles. On Saint Patty’s day this year, for example, I moved
way out of my comfort zone and actually wore green—an army green surplus shirt
from Heidi Merrick with dyed denim
sleeves mind you—but green, nonetheless. Was I pleased with myself? You bet
your bottom shamrock button I was.

My new rule of thumb for what to wear on holidays is to stay
in the color palette of that particular day while dressing exactly like, well,
myself. That means no ridiculous sunglasses or star spangled leggings for me (but
also no judgement if that’s what you’re into). My Fourth of July ensemble will
be as simple as a white t-shirt and cut-offs, jean jacket and a red lip. After all, what’s more patriotic than denim done right?
Photography by Mark Champion
Read more of my writing for Los Angeles Magazine.