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When I think of the number one inspiration for why I started a blog one woman comes to mind and she’s not a fashion blogger. The name may surprise you but my inspiration for starting this site was Sara Bareilles of Love Song fame. I went to one of her concerts at The Hotel Cafe when I was living in LA one pilot season (back when I was still a ride or die New Yorker.) I saw her perform and instantly fell in love. There’s something insanely special and inspiring to me about music and musicians. I am not particularly musically inclined but I listen to music constantly while I’m writing and many of my ideas are inspired by emotions I’m feeling from certain songs. In particular I love singers who also play the piano and Sara’s performance was so soulful and passionate, funny and lively… I was totally drinking her Kool-Aid before I even left the show. I bought her cd and then went home to properly cyber stalk her. One of the coolest things I found was her website which at the time was pretty homemade and included things like personal videos and blog posts written in Sara’s adorable and irreverent voice. I was so freakin’ smitten and remember thinking “I wish as an actor that I could have something like this. Some way of connecting with people who are into what I do and be able to offer them a piece of myself, my real voice and connect with an audience without a middleman.”

I remember that dream I had and as I write this it’s sort of surreal to me that I ended up creating something similar. I’m completely human and spend more time than I’d like comparing myself to other people and even occasionally other blogs and other actresses (crazy I know) but it helps to think about Sara and how she was totally un-fancy when I found her and was just doing her own thing whole heartedly and then a few years later became huge. I’m sure there were other female musicians at the time that were way more famous who no one even remembers now. But the great thing about Sara B and why I think she will be around for a long, long time and why she’s still so inspiring to me is because I don’t think she gets caught up in that competitive, copy cat formulaic path to success which is so tempting. She is truly an individual and sticks to her guns about seemingly everything and god I hope she also eats her boogers or something so that she isn’t totally perfect.
I’d like to add more video content to Clotheshorse NYC in the next year although I’m not sure what that’s going to look like. I remember this great video Sara had of her at her piano at night composing music with a glass of wine – just so open and honest and not at all perfect but revealing and vulnerable. I don’t know what the actor equivalent of that is – doing monologues in the mirror with a glass of wine…probably not. I’m sure it will come to me. I hope you’ll stay tuned.

71 Stanton Top (c/o) // Citizens Of Humanity Jeans // Brahmin Bag // Folli Folli Watch // Aldo Shoes // Jewelmint Earrings // Intimint x Cosabella Bralette 

Photos by Mark Champion

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