I have to say, I’m so freakin’ stoked on my new Oliver Peoples Jacey glasses! A good splurge accessory should make even the most basic outfit feel special and sunglasses are no exception.

They say that variety is the spice of the life, not necessarily true for sunglasses. I would so much rather have one pair of show stopping specs than a million pairs of meh.

The salesman was trying to push me towards a “cooler” shade, something more Ray Ban-esque and I just had to squash it. “Give me glamour!” I screamed to no one in particular. Okay, I didn’t scream anything but I definitely was quite clear that I wanted big, beautiful lenses to hide behind.

But not only are these lenses big and bootiful they are also lightweight and I swear the tint makes the world look somehow prettier and more magical.
Not that Ojai needed extra fairy dust this weekend – it was pretty spectacular as it was.

Oliver Peoples Jacey Sunglasses
Freya Copacabana bikini