What better to wear to a lazy Sunday brunch in the Pacific Palisades than some print pants – I felt very… dare I say it? California casual. I hope that’s not a four letter word around here. It does remind me of oversized floral sofas and Steve Martin for some reason.

American Apparel Men’s tri-blend tank top, Zara black and white print pants (similar here), Devotte wedges, Folli Follie watch, Ray Ban sunnies 

Do you guys ever get caught in that classic party conversation, the “so what have you been up to’s?” usually I would try to rattle off any and everything of any importance going on in my personal and professional life but lately I’ve been saying fuck it and professing to not being able to think of anything. Lazy? Maybe. Boring? Probably, but it’s Summer and I don’t feel obligated to be producing much. In fact I’d like to spend the rest of August by a beach or pool working on my tan and making September come as slowly as possible.