Zara topper, JCREW fingerless gloves, Ray Ban wayfarers
Last year around this time I decided to make a big change. I had always imagined myself living on the West Coast and with the help of my husband I packed up all our belongings and moved to Los Angeles. I had lived in LA briefly for work a few years back and loved it but I was always hesitant to make the West Coast home base for all of the reasons everyone is scared to make a big change or commit to something whole-heartedly. I was scared of the unknown and comfortable (if not completely fulfilled) where I was. Looking back on 2011 I am so glad that I took the plunge. This year I starred in a play that my sister wrote (twice), acted in two national commercials, and just before the holidays filmed a role in an indie rom-com. I’m making final revisions on my first screenplay, been hired to plan a wedding, joined an improv group and taken up a new meditative yoga practice. Add to that all the amazing new friends I’ve made and things I’ve seen and it has been a pretty incredible year. Not to mention all the opportunities I’ve had thanks to this blog. Happy New Year and thanks for reading Clotheshorse NYC. From the bottom of my whole heart. -A
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”  -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe