These are my top Wardrobe Facelift* picks for Fall. Wardrobe Facelift* is a term I coined to refer to a full closet over haul but it can also refer to a single item. A Wardrobe Facelift* purchase will make everything you pair it with look instantly better. Yes, even that Ann Taylor blouse from four years ago. All of these Wardrobe Facelift* pieces will be friends of your closet for years to come.  Promise.
I am just going to keep visualizing that PS1 bag until one magically falls into my lap. This purple suede version has me hornier than ever. 
You know I love me some Alpaca.  I bought this jacket a few years back. It’s beastly hot in LA and hard to even think about putting on a sweater but when the nights get chilly this will be the first thing I reach for.
A black jersey maxi skirt is perfect with a white tee and statement necklace now and you can add a leather jacket and scarf when it gets cooler. 
I totally wanted suede leather strap booties when Vivienne Westwood was doing them. Sadly, my NYU budget didn’t allow for such extravagance, or I would still be wearing them today! I’m excited to see that Chloe has picked up the reigns.
*This is the name of my future Oprah network make-over show. Oprah! Call me!