I think it is pretty obvious what is on my mind lately…SUMMER! These photos were taken in Montauk (my favorite place) the summer before last. We used them for our now defunct Vintage clothing store FRANKLIN STREET. The pictures were taken at the wonderfully authentic East Deck motel right on Ditch Plains. Oldies but Goodies.
One other thing that has been on my mind…how disappointed I am by all of the people under lets say 50 that are having cosmetic surgery for NO reason. I just came across some photos of a beautiful already successful model who had rhinoplasty. WTF!
I understand the pressure in certain industries to strive for physical perfection. I myself spent a pilot season in Los Angeles and by the time I came home I was pretty sure that my nose was slightly uneven and could use some “shaping”. If you Google celebrities and plastic surgery you will see a list of all the people pre and post op. I think that everyone is vulnerable to the cultural obsession with perfection. It is really un-cool that so many people perpetuate this obsession by having “good work” done and then acting like they have looked like this their whole life. Because then we see these pics and wonder why we didn’t come out of the womb looking like ________. Well…they didn’t either. I think it is time for everyone to stand up for anti-perfection to try and believe that our beauty is in the things which make us unique. Caitlin Crosby has a great new song and video out now called FLAWZ.
I don’t want to sound like a crazy, I think there is a time and a place for plastic surgery (i.e. please don’t remind me of this post when I am 60) I just wish that beautiful people would stop trying to all look like the same super race. Why does everyone need to have the same nose? It really is our differences that make us special. I am going to try and remember this myself next time I am fixated on how much prettier I would be if x,y,z.