Yesterday I filmed a really cute commercial for the New York Mets. 
In the spot, Mr. Met is giving me a manicure as I lament to him the troubles of being a single gal in New York City.
Today I was styling on a JCREW holiday shoot that involved a live reindeer and five babies! 
After getting up at 6am two days in a row I was wiped and in need of some serious “me” time.
On the way home today I stopped at the Rite Aid and picked up some Lavender bubble bath and a new lipstick; Revlon’s Hot Coral (Our stylist Sarah was sporting it today)
It has that awesome “old school” lipstick feel.
I also picked up a bottle of Vinho Verde. The official drink of my summer.
Sometimes a girl just has to indulge in some spa time at home.
If you are ever feeling less than stellar I highly suggest the above prescription.
You’ll feel like an old time movie star, in the bath with a coral mouth.
It’s like being reborn…with new lips:)
To see pics from both of the shoots visit my Twitter.