The temperature got up to 102 degrees today. I spent most of the day inside, with brief trips outdoors to run a quick errand. We went to dinner around 5pm and took these photos on the way. It felt like we were trying to outrun a tidal wave of steam. I prefer heat to cold but what I really prefer is a warm day with a breezy night. Would love to be in Malibu right now watching the waves roll in with a nice glass of wine. It is almost too hot in New York to drink anything other than water.
We stayed with our friend Pete’s family in Jersey this weekend. Sometimes staying with a family that you know and love is better than staying in a hotel.
A tween-ager gave me these Silly Bandz last weekend. I do feel sort of silly wearing them but maybe that’s the point. I never want to grow up.
I am totally in love with this metallic photographer jacket that I got from ADAM last week. It has these sleeves of awesomeness that zip on and off. Isn’t it great when you find a piece that easily transitions from one season to the next?
(ADAM vest. Charlotte Ronson blouse, thrifted skirt, DeVotte wedges, Freeway Eyewear)