(JCREW Thomas Mason button down, ADAM chiffon wave skirt, JCREW belt, KJacques sandals)
 Lately I’ve been dying to get on a plane and fly somewhere, preferably somewhere outside the continental U.S. 
Mark has been wanting to check out Tokyo for awhile now and I think I have finally caught the bug, although the uber-long plane ride is quite intimidating…we’ll see but definitely wanting to go somewhere fun sometime soon.
My mom moved to NYC this weekend and my brother was in town for his birthday (Happy Birthday Jake!!) and also to perform in the Del Close Marathon at Upright Citizens Brigade.
Musings from my super family oriented weekend…Sometimes an ice cream cone hits the spot WAY more than a margarita. Sometimes even if you want to be a pesca-tarian, your body wants a steak. Mayo and ketchup are always a match made in french fry heaven and Rockaway beach is worth the trip at 4pm on a Friday especially if your sister made homemade chicken salad on potato bread. Love me some potato bread! All in all, the weekend was pretty relaxing and I feel well equipped to start another great week!