In case you haven’t heard my favorite celebrity couple is getting hitched; Jen Brill and Terry Richardson. Why are they my favorite celebrity couple you might ask? Mostly because she is adorable and has great style and doesn’t seem uptight and he fuses pornography with art in a very American way. They are a major high-low mix which for me, always does the trick. So Cheers Terry and Jen. 
The only thing cooler than a hipster wedding has to be a Royal wedding! If you are wondering how I can have such enthusiasm for both…well, I’m a complicated lady. Another one of my favorite couples got engaged last week and lets get real, no matter how cool J&T, are their wedding will not be considered a national holiday like Kate and Willies. I mean Kate Middleton is the luckiest girl right? People in England are already getting busy painting her face onto commemorative plates! I just love it when a couple sticks it out the way these two did.  
In local engagement news one of my favorite NYC casting directors Kelly Gillespie was engaged this week to fellow MTC’er Alex Barron and I am so happy for them! 
Congratulations to all the newly engaged couples! All you need is love!