Wow. It’s almost the freakin’ weekend of the first week of Spring! And let me tell ya I am feelin’ it. Prob also feelin that Americano I just downed.

This week I had to get up at 6am for something and I was astounded by how much more productive I was throughout the day.

Girl can sleep, I can sleep on a plane, train or automobile. I can sleep for twelve hours no problem but that doesn’t mean that I should or that I NEED that much sleep. Time is money after all so I’ve been setting that alarm and just hitting the snooze once or twice not ten times.

I would love to think that I’m so connected to the cosmos that my body intuitively knew it was the first week of Spring and I’m off the hook for sleeping until 9am all Winter long.

In fact I want to think this so bad that I’m just gonna do it. Jan-March is carved out for hibernation right? These photos were taken a few weeks back at Mr. Holmes Bakehouse in Pasadena. Let me tell you I had one of the best croissants outside of Paris there. Blazer is Anine Bing and perfect for the transitional weather. This bag is also the perfect size to fit into this bag for day to night excursions.


Photos by Jenna Elliot 

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Jeans ReDone, Jacket Anine Bing, Bag Clare V, T-Shirt Reformation, Shoes Loeffler Randall c/o Crossroads Trading Co.