Pinky Otto dress, Vintage Anne Klein riding boots, Vintage corduroy blazer

 My father owns four connected row houses in Baltimore filled with antiques, books, records, art and curiosities of all kinds including a chandelier filled with bubble lights and oil paintings of Johnny Winter on his kitchen cabinets. As a kid going to dad’s house was a nightmare (no TV, only mustard in the fridge) but as an adult it’s actually pretty cool. Now that I am older I have a lot of things earmarked for when I have a house of my own. Notably a framed photo of Janis Joplin and Johnny Winter performing together at Madison Square Garden. 
These Vintage Anne Klein boots have been a staple of my wardrobe for about five years. Pretty good for $40 bucks at a thrift store. The navy blazer is a recent addition but is working in heavy rotation. The dress is borrowed from my sister who borrowed it from a friend. Who knows why Dad has the amp from the “Eagle Rock Music Dept.” but I like it.
P.S.If you look to the left in the top photo you might be able to spot an etching of my twelve year old self carved into the door.