I was inspired by an article written my friend Marie Forleo on her BLOG this week. In the article Marie talks about the joy she felt when she was able to present a $7000.00 check to one of her favorite Women’s charities, GirlUp. Click on the link above to see a video of Marie presenting the check (it’s v.sweet how mushy she gets) This video got me thinking about giving in general. I have always thought that one of the perks of being successful would be the ability to give back, giveaway and help others. I greatly look forward to the day when I will be able to help out with a generous cash donation:) 
For now, I thought I could start on a decidedly smaller scale. This month I will be “giving away” answers to your questions about Fall Fashion. It could be as simple as “Do you have a great Fall coat suggestion” or “What nail colors do you like for Fall”? but I really want to hear what you guys are curious about so please ask away! I need you to help me get my good karma flowing:) If you don’t have any questions that’s cool too. You can also leave a comment if you have a great idea about giving back in your community. 
I would love to hear any suggestions. Big or small. xx