Belgian shoes, GAP riding pants, Candy Shop Vintage necklace

This weekend was great. Relaxing and fun and full of old friends. Oh, and I met Terry Richardson. Sorry, couldn’t hold that in. He was very sweet and friendly even though I was oddly star-struck and sort of a flurry of words and praise. That was Saturday night. Sunday was spent at a horse farm in Westchester. I could make a lot of terrible jokes about “clothes-horsing around” but I will spare you. We were there to celebrate a friend’s birthday and another friend Deirdre, who owns Candy Shop Vintage jewelry amazingly gave me this white enamel daisy necklace to GIVEAWAY to one of you LUCKY readers this week! I love this necklace so much. Click on the photos to enlarge and see the little daisy in all his glory. In addition to wearing jewelry I like using it to randomly decorate around the house and this little guy has found a very cozy spot above the desk in my office. Daisies are also my favorite flower because they truly are the happiest (remember Meg Ryan said this in”You’ve Got Mail”) and this necklace is so so rad, I will be very sad to see it go. Sigh. 

All you have to do to be entered in the contest is 
1.Follow this blog publicly via the Google friend follower to your left (just click “connect with google friend connect” and then click “become a public follower”) 
2.Leave a comment below saying what your favorite flower is and your email address.
3.Contest ends Friday 10/15. Winner will be contacted via email for shipping info and winner will be announced in this post Monday 10/18.
Good luck and may the best Flower Child win:)