(Vintage hat, Alexandra Cassaniti bikini,  Hyden Yoo boyfriend sweater, BDG white skinnies)

This post features one of my very favorite accessories… a glass of Champs. Don’t judge, two is my limit. Unless I’m dancing on a banquette, in which case, I don’t have a limit 🙂 Do ya’ll remember a few months ago when I wrote my list of things I wanted? Well I just looked back at it and a few things came true so I thought I would do a FALL list. Mmm-kay here goes…

1) Have Garance Dore stop me on the street (she lives in New York now people!) and take my photo. I have a serious blogger to blogger crush on that lady.
2) Book a role on Mad Men or Boardwalk Empire (or any show that has amazing period costumes from the 20th century.)
4) Star in a play on Broadway.
5) Go to Italy this year (I’ve never been)
6) Have one of MY favorite Bloggers add ME to their Blog roll.
7) Still working on that healthy savings account!
8) Live in Montauk next summer and become the surfing goddess I am meant to be.
 If you feel inclined write a wish of yours in the comment box below or on your own blogs or just on an old fashioned piece of paper ( I think it works better when you share it with other people though)
I love it when I ask the universe for something and then realize I got it!
p.s. These photos were shot last weekend at the beautiful Sole East resort in Montauk, LI 🙂