(Forever 21 Oui Oui t-shirt, Adam denim trouser pants, Vintage Chain belt worn as necklace)
A pre-audition lunch with the husband at Bakeri in Williamsburg. I love Focaccia bread, more bang for your buck when the filler is simply avocado and tomato. The vegetarian thing isn’t really working out for me so I guess I am just trying to be “meat light” while respecting my bodies cravings. One thing we have accomplished in the health dept is switching to whole wheat pasta. Go us.
Pretty impressive when you consider that when we first started dating a trip to the grocery store consisted of Hot pockets, hot dogs and the fixings for a week of grilled cheeses.
This last photo is what happens when I get tired of smiling and/or looking all hard stare into the camera. I think these photos sometimes come out way better.
Missing yoga this morning cause I slipped off these wedge heels yesterday and now I’m limping;(
Luckily Mark makes a good Lawrence Nightengale.
Hope everyone is having a good week so far!