Yesterday was the perfect rainy day for cooking. Can you see in the background here my lovingly displayed and designed oils?? I got the idea for repackaging them HERE.
One thing I like to do at the beginning of the week is cook up a whole bunch of veggies and a big pot of brown rice for quick meals on the go.
My favorite veggies to roast are beets and sweet potatoes. Then I throw them in with the rice and top with whatever I feel like…kale, spinach, pumpkin seeds, pecans, EVOO, lemon juice… And always salt and pepper or even red pepper flakes.
Throw it all in a Tupperware container and you have a delicious and nutritious snack.
It doesn’t need to be refrigerated and it helps you eat less pizza!
( Forever21 sheer top, Alexis Bittar statement ring, American Apparel bandeau top)