Ph. by The Champ 
(Shades by Freeway, Floral high waisted skirt courtesy of Fred Flare,)
 Oh what a stay-cation I had. A lot of time by the pool and my new favorite Greenpoint hangout The Manhattan Inn. Also much time spent listening to my pandora “Eagles” station. “Leyla” by Clapton comes up a lot which you would think would be a bad thing but turns out you sort of like that song. Also a lot of Stevie Nicks which is never a bad thing till you get a Fleetwood Mac song sung by another band member. Enjoying my new Jo Malone scented candle and the beginning of glorious east coast summer nights. Thanks to Fred Flare for the gift card which allowed me to pick up this little number. Now I just need a bicycle and the French countryside.
Happy Tuesday everyone!