(Carhartt skullie, American Apparel top, In God We Trust denim, Top Shop necklace, Freeway Sunglasses)
It was love at first sight when I saw this awesome multi-cross necklace at TopShop last week. I want to wear it all the time because it seems to enhance every outfit. Allergy season is in full effect here so I have not been able to drink coffee or wine or any of my usual fun stuff (they make the allergies flair, don’t ask me why) Ever resourceful, I have replaced wine with Vodka lemonade (yum) and coffee with giant Iced teas from Dunkin Donuts. It’s fun to walk around with a giant Dunkin Donuts cup. Sort of makes me feel like LeLaina Pierce from Reality Bites with the Big Gulp. Also got a chance to take my new Freeway Sunglasses for a Spin as the Sun made a brief appearance this weekend. They rock, thanks Alex.xx