Skinny bitches, a bar named JEAN, Vodka and Sprite.
Made way for 2010. When “Empire State Of Mind” came on one of the girls we were with said “Awww, this is your song.”
I guess it is.
One of the benefits of keeping our noses to the grind stone in the big city for another year:)
A girl came over to me and said that I was the coolest girl there because she and I were both wearing headbands. We took a photo together and I guess she had too many vodkas with Sprite because as the flash went off I felt something really cold spill down my back.
See photo above:)
My friend came back later to say she liked the pearl straps.
In This Story; Vintage Dress, Forever 21 Headband, Earrings Candy Shop Vintage, Boots Colonial Madness by LD Tuttle.
All photos by Mark CHAMPION